Please take the time to watch this movie, which premiered on Netflix on November, 22nd and tells the story of the first IVF baby, Louise Brown, born in England in 1978. As an interesting note, I was one of Dr. Patrick Steptoe’s last patients before he died. I went to Bourn Hall (the Clinic Jean Purdy was instrumental in founding), in 1986 and 1987 – ultimately becoming pregnant with my son via frozen embryo in 1988. There are some elements of the movie that I take exception to – in particular the portrayal of Jean Purdy as a ‘sexual libertarian’ – not that I have any judgement if she was, but from my own research on my dissertation I don’t see that as being a part of who she was. I have also included a link to a brief article I wrote for Bourn Hall in 2017 based on an interview I conducted with Robert Edwards in Washington D.C. before he won the Nobel Prize for Medicine. The original article published in 2007 is not yet in digital form. All of us who have had difficulty having children, for whatever reason, have a tremendous amount to be grateful for. I am so happy that this movie has been made. The trailer is found at the following link: (
Link to article: (