My name is Angela Fant, and I am a fourth-year doctoral student at Cleveland State University. I am inviting you to participate in a study that explores how full-time employed women navigate infertility and work-life integration to gain insight into their lived experiences. The purpose of the research is to inform theory, research, and practice about the challenges faced in both the workplace and at home for this particular group of women. I am recruiting a diverse group of individuals who meet the following criteria: cisgender (having a gender which matches the sex assigned at birth), woman, experiencing primary infertility for more than 12 months, employed in a full-time paid position, and having no children living with them in the home. I will be conducting this research in collaboration with Dr. Julia Phillips and Dr. Donna Schultheiss.

If you are interested in participating, please follow the link below to complete the brief selection/ demographic survey. I will then contact you within a week for you to review and complete the informed consent form and information survey, as well as schedule a private interview for approximately one hour over Zoom. The interview audio will be recorded and transcribed by Zoom. In the event that I have enough participants for this study, I will notify you within two weeks to inform you.

You will be provided with a $25 Amazon card for the generous gift of your time to complete the information survey and interview. I hope you will consider participating with me in this important research.

This study is approved by the Cleveland State University Institutional Research Board (IRB-FY2022-80). Participation is voluntary and your responses will remain private and confidential.

The following link will take you to the brief survey and informed consent form if you are interested in participating:


With best regards,

Angela Fant

Doctoral Candidate