If you have ever seen me for any length of time as a client then you might have already heard this quote that came to me by way of my youngest son who, now an adult, shared it with me when he was 5 years old. However. for those who haven’t been a client,  it requires a little back story.

I have lived in numerous places in my many decades on the planet and when my sons were 5 and 7 years old we had been living in Wisconsin for about 3 years. One learns very quickly in a winter climate like that of the cheese state’s that winter sports are an imperative – especially if, like me you believe that sitting on the couch with a Game-Boy doesn’t qualify – so I enrolled both of my children in ice hockey. A big hit for the oldest and not so much for the youngest. After a particularly grueling practice and probably the second that week my younger son declared he “hated it and wasn’t going anymore.” I proceeded to give him all the reasons why he could/should like it and how the decision to go ultimately wasn’t likely to be his. After about 5 minutes of silence with his steady gaze focused on the bleak snow covered terrain that we were whizzing past in the car he said, “you know Mum you might know more than I do but you don’t know MORE about ME than I do.”


He didn’t need to say anything else – that stopped me in my tracks and we switched to figure skating, which he also informed me he hated. Bottom line, he likes to skate…sometimes, and still hates team sports, both watching and playing. He taught me this about himself a long time ago although he has had to remind me many times since – the point of the story is – you are your own expert. Whenever you seek expert opinion it is imperative that you hold onto the expertise of self. Only you know what it is like to live in your skin and the role of outside counsel is to help you challenge, respect, and own this for yourself.